Behind every shallow sexual interaction they have is a person who does not want to see or be seen at a deep level. — Michael Mirdad
What’s “Vagina POwer”?
A phrase coined by Alexyss K. Tylor, vagina power is the emotional and spiritual energy in a woman’s vagina. It’s where she knows that she controls the relationship between her herself and a man’s penis. Very few people are aware that this allows her to be a solid foundation for man to reach high levels of spirituality.
As we all are aware, many men deal with a constant struggle to control their sexuality. The battle is between their hormones and their higher aspirations. It is a struggle between their apparently uncontainable urges and the fear of surrendering to these urges. In the end, it is a real struggle over right and wrong, integrity, honor and completeness.
The spirituality in sexuality has gone off course. Needless to say, the ‘hook-up’ style of detached sexuality is, for the most part, to blame. And so, in this situation, the man is just giving the woman some d*ck. The woman is giving the man some p*ssy, both looking at sex at a very low level.
Even many supposedly spiritual women are not aware that their vaginas have superpower. Too many of us never had a healthy male role model. Also, very few know that having a vagina gives us the right to hold the gavel. Not being armed with this knowledge sets the stage for us to be played. Players egotistically collect women and are not in search of anything that resembles a mature functional relationship.
Just because a Man loves your vagina does not mean he’s in love with you
Those are two unconnected issues. Many men are so into the feeling they have when they are inside women. They detach from them as human beings. In this case, women are not actually giving the men orgasms. As with when they use blow-up dolls, the men are just pleasuring themselves. And if you’re wondering if time can change any of this, the answer is “no”. One of the worst mistakes a woman can make is wasting her life waiting for a man to change.
Giving any man permission to throw you away like a used condom when he’s done is self-destructive. These women remind me of poker players overplaying their hands. Since they can’t see the forest for the trees, they believe they are “sexually liberated” because they consented.
When you let a man in you that has no business being there, he is plugging into your energy. Every time he pulls out, he is literally drawing out your energy and pulling you down to his low level. There is no integrity or honor there. It’s littered with dysfunction.
Personally, I was at a point where I just wanted to be real with myself. I was not willing to give my emotions or sexual energy to just any man. That’s especially one who I did not feel was capable of loving me. I simply would not get turned on. In which case, there was no point in sex.
Women give away their feelings and sexual energy all day every day and get little return. I could no longer be one of those women. It began to feel like my back was against the wall when it came to my divine partner. It was either him or no one. The thought of living the latter half of my life alone was not something I would entertain. As usual, I would let my intuition guide me. Of course, I’m a woman with needs and desires like everyone else. However, I couldn’t indiscriminately give in to them.
My advice is to stand firm in your vagina power by drawing your sexual energy back and setting high standards. The more you are secure in your vagina power, the more likely you’ll attract the attention of a good man. Any woman who knows this comprehends that she possesses something valuable and will feel as if her man earned her; not like he took her power without giving her much in return. If he worked like a horse to get you in bed, he’ll stay on the high road. He won’t drop the carriage. A good man can’t bear seeing the love of his life hurt. He’s careful with his decisions and actions, so he never has to be responsible for her pain.