Cardiovascular Training MistakeS WOMEN MAKE

If it’s easy then you’re doing it wrong.- Unknown

If you rely on cardio training to dissolve fat, you’ve probably read guidelines about the best way to do so. There is, however, no shortage of conflicting information out there. Therefore, I will do my best to clarify some common mistakes surrounding cardio and fat burning that women often make. Carved in stone are none of these notions. Still, you will at least take away a clear understanding of how of cardiovascular training affect fat burning.

Mistake 1 Thinking cardio training compensates for bad habits

Intense cardio training makes you break a sweat. This leads women to believe that cardio is all that’s required for fat loss. If you do more than more than three, 30-minute cardio workouts each week, you’ll be over training. To add, you may lose muscle mass and compromise your immune system. Keep in mind, the body can only deal with so much intense exercise of any type. Plus. you can spend all day on the treadmill and never run faster than your unhealthy high caloric food choices.

Mistake 2 Fasting before doing high-intensity cardio training

The theory that doing cardio on an empty stomach sends fat burning into overdrive is not entirely true. Most people need to have glucose to burn as fuel in order to exercise at high-intensity levels. For them, attempting fasted sprints is a recipe for disaster. Not only will their performance suffer, but they also set themselves up for lean muscle loss.

Mistake 4 Long cardio workouts at low intensity are best

Actually, slow/fast workouts also known as interval training are the best for burning fat. That’s where you sprint for one minute and then walk for two minutes. Simply put, a higher heart rate burns more calories. For instance, you burn 100 calories in 20 minutes with a low-intensity work. On the other hand, you burn 160 calories in 10 minutes with a high intensity workout. What’s more, you burn more total fat in less time during a high-intensity workout.

Mistake 5  Having an energy bar/drink before a cardio workout

By doing so, you only end up burning the calories you just consumed before hitting your existing fat cells. This is counterproductive if you’re trying to lose weight. Remember that energy bars and drinks are designed for endurance athletes. So, many have hidden sugars and fat which give them the high-calorie content these athletes need. Instead, opt for a low-calorie snack about an hour before the workout. I usually reach for an apple and a half-cup of low-fat yogurt or cottage cheese. This way I’m not sacrificing energy for the workout. My 20-minute cardio session quickly burns those minimal calories from this pre-workout snack..

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