How Men Gain Confidence by Saying “No” to Women

A strong woman knows how to stand on her own, refusing to be controlled by the expectations or desires of any man.

Self-esteem, which refers to how we perceive our own worth, is influenced by various factors and is a complex concept. When examining self-esteem, the dynamics between men and women have long been an intriguing subject of interest. That said, I’ll delve into the notion that men might experience an increase in self-esteem when they assert themselves by saying “no” to women. By considering social and cultural perspectives, we can gain a comprehensive understanding of the relationship between self-esteem and gender dynamics.


Societal expectations and gender roles play a significant role in shaping individuals’ self-esteem, particularly regarding gender dynamics. Traditionally, men have been encouraged to embody assertiveness, independence, and autonomy, while women have been socialized to prioritize nurturing, compassion, and accommodation. These gender norms can significantly influence how individuals perceive themselves and others, thus impacting their self-esteem.

The idea that men gain self-esteem by saying “no” to women stems from the notion of asserting boundaries and autonomy. By refusing requests or setting limits, men may perceive themselves as more assertive, independent, and in control of their own lives. This newfound assertiveness can contribute to an increased sense of self-worth and confidence.

From a social perspective, the act of saying “no” can challenge traditional gender norms and expectations. Men who go against the stereotype of being accommodating and submissive may experience a sense of empowerment and validation. By asserting their autonomy and refusing requests, they might feel liberated from societal expectations, which can lead to an increase in self-esteem.

While certain behaviors associated with men asserting themselves, such as ghosting women, are generally considered disrespectful and hurtful, some men may perceive them as demonstrations of power and control. By choosing to disengage without explanation, they may feel a sense of superiority and self-assurance, which could contribute to a temporary boost in self-esteem.

Additionally, men who resist labeling relationships or avoid committing to marriage may experience an increase in self-esteem. By maintaining emotional detachment and avoiding societal expectations, they may perceive themselves as independent and in control. This sense of freedom and empowerment can contribute to a temporary boost in self-worth.


Culturally, factors such as traditional gender roles and expectations can shape the relationship between self-esteem and saying “no” to women. In some cultures, male dominance and female submission are emphasized, perpetuating notions of power dynamics. In some Middle Eastern societies, for instance,  traditional gender roles emphasize male dominance and female submission. Women may be expected to prioritize the needs and desires of men, conforming to societal expectations and maintaining harmonious relationships.

When dealing with men who consistently say “no,” it can be challenging to navigate the situation and maintain healthy communication.

Here are three suggestions for women on how to handle such circumstances:

  1. Communicate openly and assertively: Clear and direct communication is essential when addressing the issue. Express your concerns calmly and assertively, focusing on how their constant refusal affects your relationship or interaction. Use “I” statements to express your feelings and needs, allowing them to understand the impact of their behavior. By maintaining open dialogue, you can foster understanding and potentially find a compromise that respects both parties’ boundaries.
  2. Seek to understand their perspective: Try to empathize and understand why they may be inclined to always say “no.” Everyone has their own reasons for behaving a certain way, and taking the time to listen and understand their perspective can provide insight into their motivations. Engage in active listening, ask open-ended questions, and create a safe space for them to express themselves. This approach can foster mutual understanding and potentially lead to a more constructive conversation about finding common ground.
  3. Evaluate the relationship and set boundaries: If their consistent refusal becomes a pattern that negatively impacts your well-being, it may be necessary to reevaluate the dynamics of the relationship. Assess whether this behavior aligns with your values and expectations for a healthy and balanced relationship. Consider setting clear boundaries and communicating them assertively. It is important to prioritize your own well-being and surround yourself with individuals who respect and value your needs and boundaries.
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