How To Take Control Of Your Life

When you feel in control, you feel responsible; you participate and do whatever is necessary.

Have you ever been in such a dark place in your life where you felt you had no control over anything? I believe this happens to everyone at least once in their lifetime. That especially during these uncertain times we are living in now. You feel so lost that nothing makes sense as your available options seem to lead nowhere close to happiness. Therefore, you must take back control of your life. It means being connected with your values and vision and having purposeful goals and a strategy for your life. Believe me when I say it’s worth it.

When you take control, you become more productive and more optimistic. You can assess and solve problems quickly. In the fullness of time, you can experience less stress and more happiness in life. Understand that you have power. You are the creator of your life. Where you are now is a result of the choices and decisions you have made. That said, here are four things you start doing today to feel more in control of your life.


First, you have to decide to initiate the process of change. Talk openly and boldly about the changes you want to happen in your life. Make a mental promise to yourself. Tell it to your friends and family too. Write it down and look at it first thing in the morning and before bedtime. Play songs that pump you up. Do whatever else it takes to make the change real.


I can’t emphasize enough how necessary strategic plans are if you have a goal. They set the wheels in motion, prepare you for bumps, and give you an estimation of how long the process may take. More importantly, a strategic plan makes you feel like you are in the driver’s seat. Even in the face of an unforeseeable challenge, you are less likely to freak out. You know that you will be back on course after you handle the temporary setback.


Prepare to give 100% commitment to the process. Doing so enables you to stay motivated even in the face of obstacles and uncertainty. To a committed person, there is no such thing as a lack of control. Their minds are in mission mode, resting once accomplished. Such dedication can only lead to one outcome. That’s your success.

4. reward yourself

When you realize that you are making real progress, you will feel in control. So why not give yourself a round of applause and a reward for a job well done? The latter could be in any form that gives you a feeling of celebration.

Just like that, your mind feels it is going in the right direction and that your plans are working. That creates a feeling of control, making you happy to take on challenges. And taking on challenges gives you more control.

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