Ways Your Female Boss Keeps the Team Down

Ideally, employees should be motivated by their superiors to perform well. Good bosses go to bat for their team. They provide everyone with the right guidance and tools to do their jobs effectively. That’s in a healthy work environment, free of dirty politics.

Making everyone’s lives difficult has never been listed on any job requirement ever. Unfortunately, while both genders prefer a male boss — sad enough — more women have this preference than men (39 percent compared to 26 percent).

Ladies, why don’t we want to work for each other? Well, often proving themselves is a female bosses’ top priority. And so, they are not going to be sensitive to who they trample on in the process. That’s especially if it’s another woman. That said, here are some classic things insecure female bosses do to keep their team down.

She asks for stuff people have already given her.

When she does this she is sending a message. It’s that she’s so much more valuable than everyone else. Therefore, it’s more sensible for them to do something twice than for her to look for it once.

She controls (and limits) information flow.

“Always go through me,” “Don’t cc everyone, “and “You don’t have to know that,” are classic orders. They are meant to reduce employee effectiveness.

She gives sloppy directions.

Managers often expect team members to read their minds. They are slack when it comes to communicating effectively because their time, again, is more important than everyone else’. This of course gives them the license to tell subordinates half of what they need to know. And later get upset when their psychic abilities fail them when they guess wrong.

She lets everyone walk over her.

If she’s being a Debbie Doormat. She lacks assertiveness and won’t sell her team’s ideas or receive the needed resources for her team. If she won’t fight for her people, it’s all downhill—not just for you, for everyone in her group.

She enjoys the status quo.

Employees often wonder why female managers dislike change. Here is why. When she steps outside her comfort zone. That’s by i.e. signing her team up for challenging projects or sticking her neck out for her team. Those are clear way for those under her to grow and shine when higher-ups are watching.

She throws people under the bus.

This is intolerable for the simple fact that her people are her responsibility. When they succeed, she succeeds, right? No, not in her mind.

She avoids giving constructive criticism and feedback.

One of the most challenging and important management functions is to spend time teaching people how to improve themselves. Chances are an insecure manager isn’t going to push above and beyond to steer you in the right direction. She’d rather sit back and watch you dig your own grave.

If you are in a situation where your female boss is deliberately holding you back, I feel for you. I been in that position before and it absolutely sucks. Nevertheless, it’s important to be the pilot of your career. You need to constantly assess where you are and persevere until you get where you want to be. And if that means looking for a new job, so be it. 

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